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- I have 2 questions.. when does the ejaculate feel an orgasm or is it ruined? How long do you keep him in chastity to achieve that effect?
I really like the idea of being castrated by such a beautiful woman, a goddess. I am 20 years old. Would you like to be my goddess?
Thanks for the video :heart:

- My wife and I used to raise goats. I'd castrate the young males, between 2 - 8 weeks old, using a band castrator as shown. The castration was simple, clean and complete. It would take several weeks for the scrotum and testicles to fully atrophy and fall off. The beauty of band castration is minimal pain is involved and only occurs for a few moments. Band castration is a clean and bloodless way of doing away with troublesome testicles. I don't recommend doing this to humans.

- Please take my balls. In any way you like. If you did this, I would be very happy.

- I have an admission to make. As a 58 year old heterosexual man I love women sex and having balls. However, if I ever received the devastating diagnosis of advanced prostate cancer I might be told I need to be castrated. In that case, I'd ask the Castrix to perform my orchidectomy. I would want her to perform my castration as a sexual act. Not as just the end of my sex life but an act that is a celebration of that sex life.

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