55,017,934 5,501,793
- I was lucky enough to fuck my friends mom when I was a teen.... She was a divorced alcoholic, went to his house to see if he was home, she invited me in to wait for him, I noticed she was tipsy with just a housecoat on... one thing led to another and I'm fucking her on the couch... she let me nutt deep in her pussy! one of the hottest sessions I ever had god rest her soul.
- Whoever titled this either is a bullshitter or didn't do their research. This is a clip from P.S. (2004). Laura Linney plays Head of Admissions at Columbia University's School of Fine Arts and Christopher (Topher) Grace plays a grad student hopeful. Grace's character bears an uncanny resemblance to Linney's character's deceased high school sweetheart. As hot as this scene is for those who want to pretend that this is incest between mom and son, these characters aren't even distantly related.
- Full movie
- I would cum in that pussy