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- I find Sofia among the absolute most beautiful girls in the whole world and it is my dream to marry her! Having had ployyboy material models in Medellin over the years, this will probably happen !
- Sofia is now among the MILFs and such a MILF she is ; I give her 98/100 points. The missing one for doing this video, and the other one for doing a sex video with a Pimp who is the opposite of honest; a criminal american operating Pussy in Medellin
- I for may part does no turn on on dog-blaha. But Sofias beauty is updated, out of necesity; she is 31/33 and age is the worst enemy you can have in adult entertainment, so plastic surgery among other things, anabics, weight-loss drxgs, female viagra, maybe anabolics and other hormones to Boost the sexual apaetite !
But ugly?
- Beautiful and awesome hot woman. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
No need to be disrespectful.