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- Yeah, when you're not physically strong enough to resist, or you're so horny that you don't care about your dignity or even safety, the best thing is to give in, let go, let the greater power overwhelm your body, invade your pussy, and deactivate your capacity to think. A girl at that stage will do herself a favor by not fighting, and just being a wet, needy slut. You'll know you made the right choice when you're screaming and creaming.
- You're new to me. First time seeing you, and you have an intriguing vibe. A combination of friendly, "harmless" you said, gentle femdom, cute, and horny slut. Interesting traits, so... OK, girl, you've caught my eye. You have potential. I want to see more of what makes you horny and makes you wank. And I'll finish this one later. I already shot my load to another video.