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- I remember that issue of fiesta so well, having had my appetite well and truly wetted by the infamous dinner ladies set, to say I was in a high state of excitement to see these two gorgeous ladies in action again would be an understatement!!, thank you so much for this behind the scenes look, brought back fond memories, how delicious Elizabeth looked all in white too!!, thank you

- I remember clearly buying this issue of Fiesta and myself and my wife thoroughly enjoying looking at it together. My wife who also loved to pose for the camera nude also sadly passed this year and I love your posts Ian. We share a fair bit in common it would appear. Mike.

- I remember very well buying this edition of Fiesta and fantasising about these two women, and especially Elizabeth. Thank you so much for posting and I really hope to see any more footage you may have from the Fiesta studios.

- I remember these shoots so well. They do bring back so many reminders of my youth . Thank you

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