33,096 3,310
- Fucking amazing buddy, love to help you out wiht that
- Damn your fuckin sexy and wish you were shooting that load down my throat
- Aw damn bro.. it real hard push it in but feels good real weird my dick when move it some. Uhh..move it certain way give me real funny but good jolt like myit out now was kinda nice weird tho. Ain't gunna show tell hi man nuthin about bros doin that tho. But wer askin questions about oil check move the wwe bro dun did other guy.that just to nervous me try explain any that.thanks help bro
- Vid wer helpful explain jo fer him. But quick turned it soo as I seen you dun tried her toy. Ashame admit I tried my finger couple times when I jo real real hot fer pussy bad. Only cuz notice it give my dick funny feelin when doc did it my exam. Do it feel that way wit her toy? I gunna just try handle my screwdriver no one home. Thanks help answerin him bro