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- Would love smelling those chonies
- Standing barefooted in nature relieves stress and heals all diseases. We are Gods under Christ, Christ is the king. Our subconscious mind rules 95 percent of our reality. What we think, we become and everything is me. The other person is me, my subconscious, patterns. Amen I'm beautiful I'm powerful, through Christ. :green_heart::green_hear Amen.:green_heart::green
- Please repent God. King Yahushua of Nazareth loves you. It sais in the Bible, he who causes a little one to sin, it's better for them to be thrown in the ocean with a milestone around his neck. Amen God. Please flee from sexual immorality. It says in the bible, resist the Devil, and he will flee. Amen to that God. Do you need any prayer. I believe you have the power to rebuke demons on your own God. You just have to say it and believe it. Amen to that God. Amen God. I love you and I love Mycellf
- Pretty girl do some dumb shit>>>>>>>>>>